Tuesday, 9 September 2008

Monday, 8 September 2008

Vege chilli

Hello peoples. Sorry this has been dormant for so long.

Here's what I'm cooking tonight. A friend made it for us a couple of times without the cornbread. It was delicious - I'll let you know how I get on.

Anyway, I was going to post a pic of an ipod sock I knitted over the weekend, but sadly it looks like a dog's dinner. Thanks again for the knitting lesson Emily! I have to admit, I have learned to knit before but have always got myself into hot water. The sock worked, even if it did look rubbish, I think because Emily wisely got me to stick to one stitch throughout. I got a bit over-excited over the breakthrough and when I got home I thought I'd do another one in stocking stitch (knit one row, purl one row for novices out there). Within 5 minutes I was back to being utterly confused, sticking my needle in the wrong way and wrapping my wool round backwards.

Any helpful memory links as to which way round the right needle should go in and which way round the wool needs to go would be gratefully appreciated. I think if I were to do all the stitches backwards it would probably work, but the inconsistent, incompetent look doesn't exactly do it for me...