This is surprisingly fun and very satisfying. It's a bit like something you did when you were five, along with potato printing. Remember to ask an adult to help you.
You will need....
1 cup white vinegar
1/2 cup bicarbonate of soda
1/4 washing detergent (I think this may be optional, but I haven't tried it without so wouldn't like to say)
a bowl and spoon
a painty thing (a pastry brush is perfect, if not just use the spoon
a scrapy thing (a fish slice is perfect, or a spoon...)
a 'clearing up' thing (hoover is best, or dust pan and brush)
a cloth
Put your oven on high, and while it's heating up mix up your ingredients in a bowl. It should make a paste. If it's the wrong consistency, add some flour until it is. Put your bicarbonate of soda in slowly, or it will fizz everywhere...
When your oven is hot, switch it off, open it and paint the whole of the inside with the paste, using your painting implement of choice. Close the oven door and leave for at least an hour.
(Here's one I painted earlier)
Now it should be dry and cooked, and you get to scrape it all off. Scrape away the grease! You'll get powder all over which is why it's handy to have a hoover on standby. If your oven is black, make sure the door or something you can see is really gross so you have the satisfaction of seeing all the cooked on horribleness disappear.
Now wipe out the inside with a damp cloth to get the rest off.
I'm conscious that Rach's posts are more interesting than mine because she uses more pictures. So here you are:

(Don't try this method on this type of oven)
Is there anything bicarbonate of soda *can't* do? I don't think so! You should do a post on that subject. For example, did you know that if you add it when boiling beans and pules, they soften quicker, thus saving energy? Oh magical Sodium bicarbonate, you do so enrich our lives.
I've only just begun - my Mum just bought me a book on Bicarbonate of Soda and one on Vinegar (apparantly she didn't know it was my current area of research). Good old Mum!
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