Tuesday, 6 May 2008

Free food no.2

Dandilion leaves. I have nothing to report about this, as on our recent walk to the meadow I was forbidden from collecting them by my husband worrying overly that dogs had weed on them.

Of course they would have been weed on. If you were worried about that you wouldn't eat anything!

I was planning to put them in a salad... Maybe he'd feel better if I boiled/sauteed the hell out of them before eating.

Anyway, where we were, the flowers were just coming, and apparently you're best picking them before flowers appear. All is not lost however, you can also harvest in late autumn and even use the flowers (see here).


Jane said...

If you have dandelions in your garden you can blanch them by putting a flower pot over the top - then they go white and less bitter and can be used as a cut and come again crop.
It also stops the worry about dogs,

Eleanor said...

What a brilliant tip!!

Anonymous said...

You can also roast the roots and grind/grate them to make a naturally decaffeinated drink that tasted like coffee. It really does taste like coffee!