Sunday, 2 March 2008

The best houmous/hummus I've made...

... was this recipe.

Try it as a must.

And since we appear to be on something of a chick pea theme at the moment, I just wanted to let you know that soaking and boiling a huge vat of chick peas and then freezing them in small batches works really well. You can just run them under the hot tap to defrost them as you need them. Readers will remember my earlier chick pea mistake... I don't plan to go back to tinned, and given that my freezer is kept on anyway (and apparantly they function more effectively the fuller they are), I think this way uses a lot less energy than tins, even if you recycle them.

(The tins I mean, not the chick peas.)


Anonymous said...

I am so thanful for the chickpea recipes. We bought a few tins ages ago which we never got round to cooking and now are desperate to get rid of. I think I meant to make hummus but found it too tricky without a decent food processor so I will be trying your falafel recipe this week.

Eleanor said...

the cheapo stick blenders are far more useful than food processors in my humble opinion...

Anonymous said...

So how long do you think your 10Kg of dried chick peas will last?

By the way, I saw those stick blenders in Tesco for £3.99! Now that's cheap!

Anonymous said...

I've got one of the stick blenders (great for soup) but found it didn't do the job on my hummus - maybe that's because I didn't have enough liquid?

Anonymous said...

persevere with your stick blender (surely everyone calls them "wuzzers", though?) - add lashings and lashings of lovely oil and be prepared to keep unpicking it all from the blade with a spatula otherwise it clags up