Friday, 22 February 2008


I had a big load of shopping delivered the other day.  It's great - for only £4, Tesco will deliver all your tinned tomatoes, tuna, bog roll (not generally packaged in tins), fruit juice, red lentils etc for the next 6 months.  Fantastic if your sole mode of transport has only two wheels (and no motor) and you have space to store it all.  I've not done it before and it's a slight pain the first time trawling through the site (but also great fun - food shopping of one of only two forms of shopping I can really enjoy) and you have to be a wee bit careful: I am now the proud owner of 10kg of dried chick peas...

(Don't get me wrong, I love chick peas - recipes to follow - but I'm not a purist and the whole 'soak overnight and then boil for 1h30' is such that I did mean to order tinned.  Interesting to work out how much I saved then factor in energy boiling them.  Sounds like a Rach project though...)

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